God (YHWH Yehovah/Allaha) is One, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit are components within Him. Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, Bible begins with Beth and end with Nun (good English Bibles are KJV and ESV). Get nearer to God by memorizing the entire Bible in your language, starting with new testament, and pray everyday. Read the works of Luther, Augustine, Manton

信仰耶稣,(勤劳的)记忆圣经(先记新约),思想不停的想圣经,洁手纯心,博爱,怜悯,正直,自卑,(时常)祷告,宣告圣经,教人遵行, 对于听的进的人:教导培养和改造基督徒:模仿,接近,一直达到成为跟耶稣和圣灵一样(一样的心,一样的思想,一样的灵魂)。Pray daily that God crucifies your flesh and makes the Holy Spirit stronger than your flesh. And with memorizing the Bible, and prayer, become more and more like Christ in your inner person.

Imperfections in the KJV English-translation

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  1. יְהֹוָה YHWH 耶和華 is written “GOD” or “The LORD”.
    It ought to be written YHWH.
  2. אֲדֹנָי אֱלהִים 耶洛恒  is written “Lord GOD”.
    It ought to be written Adonai Elohim, or Lord(s) Elohim, or Lord(s) Elohi(s).
  3. Joshua son of Nun 约书亚 and Jesus (Yoshua/Yeshua) 耶稣 ought to have the same name, or at least similar names.
    So, either Jesus son of Nun, and Jesus Christ,
    or Joshua son of Nun, and Joshua Christ.
  4. Original measurements of weight/distance/currency are not preserved, but instead replaced with England’s weight/distance/currency names.
  5. “James” is actually Jacob (Greek manuscripts: Ἰάκωβος Jacobos), the king of England arrogantly added in his own name, putting himself as one of the apostles.
  6. I read in Arthur Pink’s “Gleanings in Genesis” that a great period of time was between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.  This is because the earth was first created perfect, but then there were the Lucifer wars, where 1/3 of the angels followed Lucifer/Satan and became demons, and during these wars the earth was destroyed.   Thus it was “without form and void” in Genesis 1:2.    This was indicated by Genesis 1:2 starting with a word meaning “after some time”, so that Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 are not sequential.
    If this is accurate, the Genesis 1:2 ought to start with “then the earth…”, rather than “and the earth…”.

Written by bookofjeremiah1eighteennineteen

November 2, 2010 at 6:04 pm

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