God (YHWH Yehovah/Allaha) is One, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit are components within Him. Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, Bible begins with Beth and end with Nun (good English Bibles are KJV and ESV). Get nearer to God by memorizing the entire Bible in your language, starting with new testament, and pray everyday. Read the works of Luther, Augustine, Manton

信仰耶稣,(勤劳的)记忆圣经(先记新约),思想不停的想圣经,洁手纯心,博爱,怜悯,正直,自卑,(时常)祷告,宣告圣经,教人遵行, 对于听的进的人:教导培养和改造基督徒:模仿,接近,一直达到成为跟耶稣和圣灵一样(一样的心,一样的思想,一样的灵魂)。Pray daily that God crucifies your flesh and makes the Holy Spirit stronger than your flesh. And with memorizing the Bible, and prayer, become more and more like Christ in your inner person.

Prayer request against powers of evil (motivated by spirits from hell)

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Dear Christians:

Please in your prayers include prayers against these:

International Monetary Fund
World Bank
World Trade Organization (WTO)

and the world-empire minded groups, whose people offer ideas and motivation and funding in pushing for a one-world empire, remaking the tower of babel (when such a bureaucratic structure gets completed, at its head, the Anti-Christ):

  • BlackRock (a finance and gambling group in New York)
  • Bilderberg Group (United States & Western Europe)
  • Council on Foreign Relations (United States & England)
  • Trilateral Commission (United States and Western Europe, Japan as expendable auxiliary)
  • Business Roundtable
  • (and under them, banks.  Banks are not only places to stash their money, but also bases of operation.  By themselves, the bankers are weak.   Their strength and action depends on bribing people in government, and/or brainwashing people, or “steer” people into wrong decisions, through spreading false information and through doing intimidation-scamming, or appearing in control when they aren’t.)

    These banks are known as involved in financial crime of exceedingly great magnitude:
    – JP Morgan Chase
    – Citigroup
    – Goldman Sachs
    These banks are also involved:
    – Bank of America
    – Morgan Stanley
    – HSBC
    The type of crimes are similar to these.

    These bank crimes are responsible for most of the world’s dictatorships, corruption in government, narcotic drugs, pornography, prostitution, perverting of the youth through visual media, dissolving of family bonds through excess consumerism, materialism through advertising.
    Indeed, these banks (used as proxies, or puppets, by the world-empire minded groups) are the installers of most of the dictators in the world, who themselves, though dictators over a nation, are installed as puppets in order to help banks (usually, those based in U.S., Western Europe, and less often Japan) and their international merchants launder the wealth of a country, at a cheaper price than if the country was governed by a fair government caring towards its own people.

    There seems to be no end of stopping corruption in government, drug trafficking, prostitution, pornography, and there is such a flood of filth in TV and entertainment in so many (seemingly separate) channels, that is because a few world-empire minded groups (with a few more banks) are deliberately doing these to increase revenue, but mostly to distract and debilitate people in their hearts and minds, so that few people would be intellectually awake to notice what they are doing, until it’s too late and the Anti-Christ gets installed as one-world dictator.
    Drugs and prostitution debilitates, entertainment distract people in their minds so that they are habituated to no longer think seriously about anything, especially not noticing that other powers are trying to gain evil control over them, and the countries of the world.

    Corruption in government disrupts the functioning of civil government, results in dissatisfaction in (ignorant) people, so that the world-empire minded schemers replace civil government (more or less controlled by the population) with privatized Corporations (entirely controlled by the bankers, and totally not controlled by the population).

    The bankers (and also the world-empire minded schemers) are not affiliated with any country in terms of their loyalty.   They consider the richest 10000 people (or richest few tens of thousands) in the world as “their people”, and despise everyone else as a lower category.
    They don’t care about the flag of any country, nor the patriotism, or the government of any country.    They really want to colonize every country, including the United States.
    For the moment, some of them are pretending that they are Americans.   Some of them may even pretend that they are Chinese.   But that’s merely a pretense.   They really want to colonize every country, and make a banker-controlled one-world empire.   Banks never take voting, never ask the population’s opinion

Written by bookofjeremiah1eighteennineteen

September 25, 2010 at 6:38 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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